Women in Small Business: 5 Questions with Mindy McFall

Name: Mindy McFall
Title: Owner, Coach
Business: Folsom Lake Fitness. (Folsom, CA) http://www.folsomlakefitness.com/
Mindy is the founder and owner of Folsom Lake Fitness, a fitness studio in Folsom, CA, which focuses on helping busy parents and working professional regain their youth and confidence through customized exercise training, nutrition programs, and a healthy approach to body transformation that works for their body type, ability level, schedule, and budget.
5 Questions
1. What led you to owning your own business?
I always knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, but didn’t know exactly what type of business I wanted to start. It became much clearer to me once I started working in corporate America when I realized I had a deeper purpose of wanting to help others and to make an impact. Fitness was the catalyst for my personal transformation, and I wanted to help others reach their potential and to see what was possible for their lives.
2. What is your business philosophy?
Business is more than just providing goods and services in exchange for money. It’s about helping people solve problems, giving value, and serving others. So many businesses are focused on selling, selling, selling that they fail to connect with people in an authentic way. The whole point of business is to create raving fans, and you do that by focusing on your customers' needs, easing their pain and providing exceptional value.
3. What have you learned about yourself by owning your own business?
I am so grateful for having the opportunity to own a business. It has caused me to grow and stretch in ways that make me a better wife, friend, mom, and human being. ;) The biggest thing I’ve learned about myself is how resilient I am. I’ve been knocked down so many times, been faced with closing my doors, bankruptcy, dishonest employees…I’ve been through a lot. But I’m still standing! I attribute that a lot to the support of my friends, family, coaches, and investment in my mindset and personal development.
4. What has been the most surprising thing for you?
I love being a business owner. It is stressful, hard work, and a constant roller coaster of emotions. But I’m surprised at how much I enjoy it and couldn’t imagine myself doing anything else.
5. What advice would you give to a woman starting a new business endeavor?
I’ve got lots of advice as I’ve made so many mistakes! First off, find your ‘why.’ It’s not enough to just ‘want to be your own boss.’ Dig deep and find what drives you and what will anchor you through the storm. What will get you out of bed in the morning? Owning a business is a lot like marriage…you have to be willing to commit 100% and having a strong purpose will help you through those tough times. Second, FIND A COACH. Don’t re-create the wheel. Hack success and learn from people that have been in your shoes every chance you get…owning a business is hard enough..don’t make it harder than you have to! Third, INVEST IN YOURSELF. You are paid for the value you bring to the marketplace. Invest in your skills, knowledge, personal development….commit to becoming more valuable on a regular basis.